DVA News & Articles
Honoring All Life: Exploring The First Precept Of Non-Harming
Update on our huge DVA event, last month’s day-long at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, called Honoring All Life: Exploring the Precept of Non-Harming.
Historic Agreements Signed In Thailand
Two Thai Wats have signed an agreement with our Dharma Voices For Nutrition Foundation to serve plant-based meals every Saturday for a year!
Buddhist Teachings on Animals by Bob Isaacson and Norm Phelps.
The traditional understanding of the First Precept, Do not kill, is not restricted to its literal meaning.
‘‘Friends, Not Food.’’
The Buddha, however, did not turn a blind eye to the suffering of animals, as many would have us believe. The first precept he taught was “Abstain from taking life.” Within this, the Buddha didn’t limit his teachings on compassion to only humans.