Be a Voice for Animals
Ensure that compassion within Buddhist communities extends to animals, and that their voices are heard with heart and clarity. Donate today, and become a voice to those who cannot speak our language.
The impact of your donation today will instantly double thanks to the generous support of a matching donor. All donation methods qualify for this match.
Your donation will support projects and actions that promote compassionate living, and save countless animals from suffering.
Donate now. Choose an amount that feels comfortable and meaningful to you.
Use the form to complete your donation, or send a check made out to Dharma Voices for Animals to: 584 Castro Street #3190 San Francisco, CA 94114.
DVA is a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.

Become a Member
As a member, you will:
Ensure that the progress towards a more compassionate world for animals does not come to a halt
Commit to making Buddhist communities compassionate to all beings
Help us plan ahead for where our projects can have the most impact
Membership is available for a suggested $25 monthly donation. Higher donations are welcome. Remember— choose an amount that feels comfortable, yet meaningful to you.
Currently, the impact of your selected donation will double thanks to the generous support of a matching donor.
Other Ways to Give Smarter
If you are interested in donating through one of these methods, please contact us!
Bring DVA to your Workplace!
An employer matching donation program is when an employer matches the donations made to a charity by an employee.
Your workplace may have a donation matching program where they will match any donations you make to registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations like DVA. These matching programs are available at nearly 10,000 U.S. companies (and at many Canadian companies too). Please consider checking with your human resources department. If they have a matching program, taking advantage of it is usually as simple as filling out a form.
For questions or more information please contact us. We will never share your information.
A Giving Account is a personal charitable fund you can create to support Dharma Voices for Animals. It’s like having your own mini foundation. You donate money into your Giving Account, receive an immediate tax benefit, and then take your time to decide which DVA projects you wish to support. It’s a flexible and efficient way to make a difference and leave a lasting impact on the world.
For questions or more information please contact us. We will never share your information.
The ultimate gift you can make is to choose to leave a meaningful legacy.
By making DVA a beneficiary of your will, trust, retirement plans, life insurance policy or financial accounts, your generous gift will empower us to continue to develop innovative projects and actions to spread our message of a compassionate diet around the globe. In doing so we will together save the lives of countless, precious animals.
Planned giving is an area of fundraising that refers to several specific gift types that can be funded with cash, equity, or property. These gift vehicles are commonly based on United States tax law, but Canada, the United Kingdom, and other nations are beginning to establish similar laws. In the United States the specific rules of planned giving are defined by the United States Congress and the Internal Revenue Service.
For questions or more information please contact us. We will never share your information.

Learn More About DVA’s Mission & Impact
An introduction to DVA featuring DVA President & Co-Founder Bob Isaacson, DVA Board Member/Minnesota Chapter Leader/Sri Lanka Project Co-Coordinator Bhante Sathi, and DC Metro Area DVA Chapter Leader Ali Arbogast.
Imagine a world in which animals are not considered food; a world in which Buddhist communities from all traditions and cultures are setting a shining example.
By donating to DVA today, you are making that world possible. Compassionate individuals like you hold the power to save countless animal lives.