Twenty-seven people attended a day-long retreat sponsored by Dharma Voices for Animals in San Diego on Saturday, July 20. The teacher was Bob Isaacson. We met in the home of two DVA members.
Those that are vegetarian, vegan, and those who are neither, were invited to join. We meditated together, talked in both small and large groups about the Dharma practices of non-harming and compassion around what we choose to eat, put on our bodies, and use around the house. We also watched videos of Geshe Phelgye and Tenzin Palmo talking about their vegetarian practice of non-harming and compassion. Some chose to watch a video, “Glass Walls,” which contains a window into the horrific suffering of farmed animals. A link to Glass Walls appears on our home page. There were lots of interesting handouts. We welcomed all views and practices, and held a large space, a big tent, for it all. We filmed the event and will link to the video on our website as soon as it is available. Dress was informal. We spend most of the day outside in a beautiful, spacious backyard with ponds, wildlife, and lush vegetation. Everyone enjoyed a vegan lunch prepared by an experienced chef.
There was no charge for the event. Dana (voluntary donations) was requested for Dharma Voices for Animals and lots of money was raised.